It’s hard to believe, but summer 2019 will soon be coming to a close. However, with the end of summer comes another excellent year of WMSHP programming!
We had a great turnout at our WMSHP Summer Outing in July, where we all got to enjoy the sunshine, some Whitecaps baseball, and of course the all-you-can-eat BBQ. Thanks to everyone who participated and to those who also brought their friends and family!
Our minds may still be in summer vacation mode, but we hope you will join us for our first CE event of the fall on Thursday, September 12th. The meeting will be held in Grand Rapids at Uccello’s Restorante - East Beltline GR. Our speaker Julie Schmidt, PharmD, BCPS will be discussing “Acute Myocardial Infarction: From Door to Discharge.” One hour of live CE credit will be offered to pharmacist and pharmacy technician members who attend the meeting.
Starting with our upcoming September 12th meeting, WMSHP will be using Western Michigan University’s School of Medicine (“WMed”) as our new pharmacy CE provider. This means that all of our members will be claiming their WMSHP meeting CE through WMed’s CE Attendee Portal. The WMed CE process is very easy and streamlined once you set up an account on their website. To set up an account, you can go to and click “sign in with your email and password.” You can then choose the “Don’t have an account?” link to create a new account. If you need assistance, instructional videos detailing how to create an account and claim CE are also located on WMed’s website at Most importantly, make sure your profile information includes your name, birth month/day, NABP e-profile ID, cell phone number, email address, and what type of CE you will be claiming (Continuing Pharmacy Education ACPE). It is not mandatory that you create an account prior to attending a WMSHP meeting, but it does make the process a lot easier if your account is already set up at the time of attendance.
If you have any questions or would like more information about WMSHP, please visit our website (which has a snazzy new look!) at