Welcome back! I hope everyone had a safe and fun-filled summer. The WMSHP Board has prepared yet another excellent year of CE programming for you to take part in, beginning September 14 with a talk on chronic kidney disease at Webster's Restaurant in Kalamazoo. I hope to see everyone there!
The WMSHP Board will soon begin accepting nominations for 2007 Board positions. If interested, stay tuned for more information.
Mark your calendars! Michigan Pharmacy Week takes place October 22-28 this year. This is a great opportunity to remind patients and other health care workers of the important role we play in patient care, or even to take your legislator to work with you. For more details or to download resources please check the MPA website (www.michiganpharmacists.org). Right on the heels of Pharmacy Week, the MSHP Annual Meeting is scheduled for November 3 in Lansing. This has traditionally been an excellent day of educational programming tailored to the needs of health system pharmacists. Stay tuned to the MPA website for details on programming and registration.