It’s time for our annual elections again, and since we have so many nominations this year we decided to feature short bios on the candidates (see below). Hopefully they help you in your voting! We will be electing five candidates. Just a reminder, Michigan Pharmacy Week is fast approaching, October 22-28. If you are a member of MPA please take a moment after the week wraps up to report back on what you or your department did to celebrate. Individuals and departments that promote Pharmacy Week well and then submit a follow up report to MPA will be considered for MSHP or MPA Public Affairs awards. Also, don’t forget the MSHP Annual Meeting Nov. 3 in Lansing.
Phil Early, Pharm.D., M.S., is the Administrative Director for Pharmacy Services at Borgess Medical Center, Kalamazoo. He received his B.S. and M.S. from The Ohio State University and Pharm.D. from Idaho State University. He completed a two year ASHP accredited general residency at Mount Carmel Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio in conjunction with completing his master’s degree. He is Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy for Ferris State University. Prior to coming to Borgess, Dr. Early was Director of Pharmacy Services at St. Rita’s Medical Center, Lima, Ohio.
Andrea Goodrich is a clinical pharmacist at St. Mary's Health Care in Grand Rapids. Andrea received her B.S. in pharmacy in 2001 and will be completing her non-traditional Pharm.D. from Midwestern University this fall. Andrea's professional areas of interests include Internal Medicine and HIV.
Jean C. Lee is a HIV/AIDS clinical pharmacist at the McAuley Health Center of Saint Mary’s Health Care in Grand Rapids. Lee completed her BSc. Pharm. from Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada (1994), Hospital Practice Residency at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario (1995) and a Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology (1999) before completing her Pharm D at Ferris State University (2001). In Canada, she has served on the National Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) Board of Directors as the Newfoundland CSHP Chapter Branch Delegate (1997-1999) and on the National CSHP Strategic Planning Committee (1997-1999). At the local level she served as co-chair for the Awards Committee (1999-2001). In Michigan, Lee is now completing her term as WMSHP Past-President and has been a member since 2001. She has also served on the MPA Employee Pharmacists Committee (2002), MSHP Organizational Affairs Committee from (2004-2005) the Society of Infectious Disease Pharmacists Internet Committee (2003-2004) and will serve on the MSHP Board of Directors (2007-2009). Lee’s professional affiliations also include ACCP, SIDP, NPhA, and MSHP.
Sarah Paulson attended Ferris State University and graduated with her Doctor of Pharmacy in 2005. She then went on to complete a general pharmacy practice residency at Saint Mary's Health Care. After completion of the residency, she accepted a position as a clinical pharmacist at Saint Mary's Health Care assisting in coverage of the inpatient orthopedic unit, neurology unit, and inpatient pharmacy. Other interests include internal medicine, infectious disease/HIV, and psychiatry. Sarah has been a member of WMSHP since 2005 and also has membership with MPA, ASHP, ACCP, Phi Lambda Sigma (President 2003), and Lambda Kappa Sigma (Recording Secretary 2002). She has been married for 1 year and has 4 furry children (2 cats and 2 dogs). She would like to become more involved with WMSHP and is excited about this opportunity.
Cindy Pollock received her PharmD at the University of Michigan in 2001. She completed a pharmacy practice residency from 2001-2002 at Spectrum Health/DeVos Children's Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI. She completed the examination to become a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist in 2002. Currently Cindy is the General Pediatrics Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at DeVos Children's Hospital, and has held this position for 4 years. She holds adjunct faculty appointments at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy and Ferris State University College of Pharmacy. She is also a preceptor for pharmacy practice residents at DeVos Children's Hospital. She is married with one child and lives in Byron Center, MI.
Jeff Van Houten received his B.S. from Ferris in 1990 and graduated from FSU's first Pharm.D. class in 1992. He completed a one year pharmacy residency in Pennsylvania and began working at Saint Mary's in Grand Rapids as a clinical pharmacist in 1993, where he has been since. Jeff' clinical interests are in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. He worked along with Jean Lee to start the Pharmacy Residency program at Saint Mary's. Jeff has been on the Board of WMSHP in some capacity for the last 10 years, and held the president's position in 2000. Jeff is married (12 years) and has two daughters (6 and 8).
Natalie Vazzana is currently an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice with Ferris State University College of Pharmacy. She obtained her Doctorate of Pharmacy at Purdue University and followed with a pharmacy practice residency with McKesson Medication Management at Mercy Hospital and Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois. She is currently practicing at Spectrum Health – Butterworth campus and is the clinical pharmacist on the progressive care unit. Natalie participates with the pharmacy residency program and is a member of the residency advisory committee. Also, she is completing her second year as a board member of the Western Michigan Society for Health-systems pharmacists.