Please join us on March 11th in Grand Rapids at the St. Mary’s Lacks Conference Center when we discuss "Current Treatment Options for Gout.” Tracy Mersfelder, PharmD, will be our speaker for the evening.
Due to the PhRMA Standards that are now in place, it has become more challenging to obtain funding for our monthly meetings. This is why you may have seen an increase in the amount of times we have had our meetings on hospital premises in their conference rooms. When you see this venue, it most likely means that support was not received for the event and WMSHP is paying for the event from their general fund. Also, if the event is being held at a restaurant, we have a budget based on grant funding that we must adhere to. In light of this information, the WMSHP Board is respectfully asking that if you RSVP and then find out you are unable to attend, please contact us by the Monday preceding the meeting to let us know so that we can minimize waste.
Mark your calendar for Friday, April 9th! We will be hosting our meeting on this day in conjunction with a Grand Rapids Griffin’s Hockey game as they play the Lake Erie Monster’s. Because of this alternative venue, our CE presentation will begin at 5:30PM so that we will be ready for game time of 7:00PM. Friends and family will have the opportunity to join you for the game as well. More details to follow!