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President's Corner - April 2010

March 21, 2010 2:12 PM | Brad Miller (Administrator)

Welcome to Spring!  We are excited about a new venue this year for our Great Lakes Residency Presentations!  We will be meeting just before a Grand Rapids Griffins Game at a different time - from 5:30-6:30PM for our CE presentation.  After that, we'll all enjoy the final game of the season together!  Please join us!

All hockey tickets will be distributed prior to the presentation.  Any tickets not claimed by the completion of the presentation at 6:30 PM will be placed for pick-up at the box office will-call.

Also, mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 18th, 2010.  This is the date of our Annual Spring Seminar.  Topics to be discussed include a Legislative Review, Cultural Competency in our AM session, Preceptor Development, Pharmaceutical Waste, and a 2009 H1N1 review will be discussed in our afternoon Administrative section.  In the PM clinical section, Antiplatelet medications, Pain management, and Emergency Room pearls will be reviewed.

Happy Spring!

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