We have an exciting meeting planned for February 10th at the Lacks Cancer Center on the campus of Saint Mary's in Grand Rapids. Jean Lee will be presenting on medication errors in HIV patients. Please plan on attending!
As in years past, WMSHP is offering a scholarship for a local third year pharmacy student. Please share this information with any eligible pharmacy students that you know.
MPA is hosting Legislative Day in Lansing on March 23rd. Legislative Day will offer 4 hours of continuing education on pain management, medical marijuana, and an important presentation on how pharmacists can protect their license. In addition, Lt. Governor Brian Calley will be speaking as well as several others from the state government. Attendees will also have an opportunity to meet with their state representative and discuss pertinent pharmacy issues. WMSHP has decided to sponsor two members and two board members to attend this meeting. More details regarding this exciting meeting can be found at http://www.michiganpharmacists.org/eventDetails.php?x=499. If you are interested in attending on behalf of WMSHP, please send me an email at adamdrzewicki@borgess.com. The board will draw names to determine who will be sponsored. In addition, there is still time to register for the MPA Annual Convention being held February 25 to 27. Please visit www.michiganpharmacists.org for more information.