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President's Corner-February 2023

February 21, 2023 9:34 AM | Shelby Kelsh

Thank you, Cassandra Falk, PharmD, MPH for the great review of Chronic Heart Failure. Our meeting in March will be hosting virtually via zoom on March 9th. Dr. Patrick Staso, MD will be joining us to discuss Drug Allergies.

We have an open board position for 2023. If you are interested, please reach out to me or any board member. If you aren’t sure what being on the board entails, please join us at 5:30 before the March CE. The board meetings are always open to our membership, and we meet the hour before a CE starts. Our main charge is to schedule monthly meetings and other events for our members. We would love to have you join us. 

Finally, it’s still not too late to register for the Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA) Annual Convention & Exposition (ACE). Programing will be at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center from Friday, February 24 to Sunday, February 26.

Hope to see you soon!

Shelby Kelsh

WMSHP President

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