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President's Corner-January 2023

January 20, 2023 2:18 PM | Shelby Kelsh

Happy 2023! I am excited to be serving as WMSHP President this year. My goal is to increase attendance to our education, community service and social events. We have great speakers lined up for our monthly meetings and for Spring Seminar in May. We started our year with a delicious dinner at Martell’s in Kalamazoo and very engaging presentation from Jeffrey Wilt, MD about pulmonary hypertension (PH). With the recent changes in PH diagnostic criteria, it sounds like more patients will receive a PH diagnosis and qualify for treatment. 

In February, our resident board member Cassandra Falk PharmD, MPH from Trinity Health St. Mary’s will update us on chronic heart failure. We are hosting the CE at Ferris State University’s College of Pharmacy Grand Rapids Campus at 25 Michigan and will be covering parking for those who attend.

Finally, don’t forget to register for the Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA) Annual Convention & Exposition (ACE). Programing will be at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center from Friday, February 24 to Sunday, February 26. MPA ACE Registration Link. 

Hope to see you soon!

Shelby Kelsh

WMSHP President

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